JKY Factory meticulous efforts to improve quality and efficiency

As the new factory is put into use, the production site of JKY factory is expanded, the production capacity is expanded, and the working environment is also quite good. Many workers join JKY’s big family and work hard at their posts, concentrate their efforts, improve quality and efficiency.

In order for production employees to work in a better environment, the company has taken many measures, including medicines, beverages, and food hygiene. At the same time, JKY company has added ceiling fans, air conditioners and other equipment in the workplaces, duty rooms, rest rooms and other places to regulate the temperature of the working environment. The addition of Bluetooth speakers can play music and improve the working environment for employees. The chairs produced by the employees in a good mood, believe the people who use the chairs are also happy to receive them.

The stacking of semi-finished products in the workplace is also orderly, which plays a decisive role in improving quality and efficiency. Recently, when we communicated with our customers on a video conference, we showed them the details of all parts of our factory. Customers all expressed their shock and excitement, and they were more confident in our cooperation.

Lydia Liu